Monday, September 8, 2008

Jak Koning-- Purged

For me, art is anything that makes a person think or feel something by stimulating their senses, typically through aesthetic means such as painting, drawing, sculpture and film. But as I've grown, I've come to think of other things as art, like Eame's chairs and Apple Computers.

The above artwork, by John Baldessari, is art to me because it causes people to stop and think. It can also make them laugh, as it did me, and find what he did witty. Many people think that words on canvas would not constitute art, but I feel that when someone is able to do something new and surprising and have people argue about whether it is art or not (in the same way people argued over the works of Dadaism) makes the work more art than it would be to begin with. However, once the inovation and wit of the work subsides it will eventually become passé and will be thought of as sub-art.

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