Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lucy Boltz- Picasso Three Musicians

I think this is an example of an image with unusual figure/ground relationships. There is no single figure or ground color or shape. Instead the musicians are made up of interlocking shapes that at once seem disconnected from the contrast of color and at other times seem connected in a whole being (when our mind discovers that the black bordering the torso of the left musician can be his arm.) So, maybe this is a backwards example of closure, where are minds fill in the gaps, so that we do not need a clear figure-background relationship. For instance the blue that connects the torso of the clarinetist and the middle figure who might be playing the guitar, obscures the idea of background entirely. There is no border between the torso of one figure and the face of another. So maybe this is actually an example of the destruction of Gestalt Principle.

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