Friday, September 12, 2008

Gina Walker Contemporary artist: Francesca Woodman

Rome 1977-78, from Angel series. In this photograph an angelic figure hangs from the doorway. It echoes the crucifixion of Christ, and fills the onlooker with a sense of a divine influence.
1975-1978 untitled. This photograph shows a dead woman's face reflected in the face of a living woman. This striking piece seems to say that those who have passed are still reflected in the living. People are able to remain a part of us even when they cease to live.

This photograph by Woodman, from her space^2 series, taken in 1977, depicts a woman half covered in wallpaper as if she is emerging from the wall. This gives new meaning to the saying "If these walls could talk..." in the way that it almost seems like the walls have the ability to give life, or that they can hide more than just words.
Francesca Woodman lived from 1958 until 1981 when she committed suicide. She was actually a student at RISD in the middle 70's. Her work was greatly influenced by Gothic fiction and surrealism, and followed the tradition of not explaining her work. It is hard to say what Woodman was trying to accomplish with her photographs, but it seems that she wanted to convey femininity as well as anonymity.

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