Sunday, September 21, 2008

Lucy Boltz- Antonio Pollaiuolo

Antonio del Pollaiuolo was a Florence-born engraver, painter, sculptor, and metal worker who collaborated with his brother Piero. He was interested in employing empiricism and anatomical knowledge in his art, and is thought to be one of the first to study anatomy through dissection. His most famous engraving is "The Battle of Ten Nudes" which depicts nudes from multiple angles in battle in a balanced in composition with matching pairs of fighters reflects his interest in the muscular form of tension and action. He was not aware of the fact that every muscle cannot be flexed simultaneously. Therefore, his figures appear stilted and super-human with their over-flexed tense muscles. The bronze sculpture of Hercules and Antaeus also reflects his interest in using the act of violence as a means of representing the active human form.

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