Sunday, November 9, 2008

Madeleine Filloux: Sculptures by Annette Messager

These are some really intense works by a French artist named Annette Messager. I saw an exhibit of hers at the Centre Pompidou in Paris. Unfortunately, these images don't quite do her work justice. She makes a lot of puppet-esque sculptures and multimedia works many of which have moving parts.

This is a sculpture that uses pencils, gloves, and parts of stuffed animals:


This is an incredible installation I saw where a huge red cloth spills from the doorway and billows up to reveal grotesque, light-up stuffed animal-type objects underneath:


Here is a link to an image of a sculpture that you can zoom in on:

Here's another image of one of her moving structures:


I think her work is very powerful and haunting. It also provides a good example of the creative use of everyday materials.

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